

The environmental studies (ENS) major is structured to provide students with a fundamental grounding in environmental studies and an exploration of interdisciplinary approaches to environmental issues.


The mission of the environmental studies program is to help students gain an understanding of the ways that humans influence and are influenced by their non-human surroundings, and to learn to fashion ways of living equitably and sustainably on the earth. 作为一个实际目标, environmental studies develops effective solutions to environmental issues with an understanding of the scientific, 社会, 以及道德层面的问题. 这样做, 这个专业涉及广泛的领域, 包括人类学, 生物学, 化学, 生态, 经济学, 英语, 历史, 哲学, 公共政策, 和宗教.


The environmental studies major requires eleven courses arranged in four levels. It provides a solid background in the fundamental principles of environmental studies, promotes strong interdisciplinary understanding of environmental issues, and allows significant flexibility in tailoring the program. Students should focus on a particular area, or track, in the humanities, social studies, or sciences.



“While participating in the Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program, I visited several tribes and nations and learned how they were practicing in protecting the environment while being sustainable. 那真的很特别.”


环境研究/Art Studio double major

环境研究和艺术双学位, 卡莉主教 sitting at the edge of a lake showing fossils on a rock


Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

Students have conducted summer research on sustainable foods in Australia and New Zealand, 巴巴多斯绿猴行为的研究, 在亚洲河流上, 在msamrida与本地蜜蜂一起工作, 墨西哥, and studied tropical forest conservation in Ecuador.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

Recent student internships include FoodChain (Lexington, Ky.), Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center (Mansfield, Ga.), and eco-friendly Hotel Kokoro (Alajuela, 成本a Rica). Past research projects include mapping of the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge, and studying wild ginseng plant communities.


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

The major is particularly appropriate for students who want to incorporate an environmental dimension into a professional career such as law, 业务, 规划, 公共卫生, 或教育. Others have pursued advanced studies concentrating in environmental 生物学, 以及公共和环境事务.


Person with facial hair wearing dark sports coat and black shirt standing in front of Old Centre


  • Assistant Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning
一位黑色短发戴眼镜的女士, wearing striped short sleeve top standing in front of old centre


  • 哲学副教授
  • Associate Professor of 环境研究
  • 环境研究副主席
  • 法律系的顾问
man with dark blonde hair with facial hair wearing dark sports coat, grey button up, and grey tie


  • Associate Professor of 环境研究 • De Facto Director of Sustainability
  • 环境研究主席
